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His Presence

Exodus 33:15

“If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.

I've been in Washington D.C three days now. It has been an absolute awe-inspiring few days! To see, walk and stand at our Nations Capital has been humbling. I had the pleasure of seeing the Capital, Washington Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, White house, rode on the Potomac river and so much more! I was not prepared for the overwhelming feelings I experienced upon seeing these majestic places. I was able to join other worshipers from across the Nation to pray and worship over our country. I admit it, I don't pray for our Nation as much as I should. There's so much that has happened in this year alone to bring anyone to their knees.

At one point as I stared at the Lincoln Memorial I could hear worship from worshipers at the National Mall. I felt Gods presence all around me. The Presence of the Lord brings peace, rest, unity and strength. Prayer and worship are not Futile. A lot of times if we don't see God moving fast enough or in the way we think He should, we want to try and help. I have to remember, Prayer is action! Worship is action! And to remember where the war is. It's not a fleshly war but spiritual. So we must fight in a higher realm. And When I say His Presence I don't mean saying a short prayer or singing a song. I mean waiting as long as it takes to tangibly feel His presence. Until His presence penetrates your mind, soul and every fiber of your body. When you experience what the Bible describes as going from glory to glory or Moses coming down from the mountain with a glow on His face. You can tell someone who has been saturated in His presence! It changes everything about them.

I am convinced My God is greater than any issue we or our Nation will ever face. We need to bring the weight of His presence to wherever we go. If we are going to rest, lets rest with Him. If we must fight lets fight with Him. If we are going to Celebrate lets celebrate with Him. I have experienced the most clarity, direction and hearing of Gods voice, IN His Presence. No good soldier moves ahead without the orders of his captain. Every battle we must fight on this earth must start with prayer and inviting His Presence. Why would you want to move forward without His presence? Lets do life in His presence.

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